Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.



my new daily will WALK zee are won’s and every other car on shift, no joke.

1996 gmc jimmy, get at me

I know i can act like a douche because I have really sweet cars and a lot of money… so i want to apologize

i never once attacked anyones diability, i attacked there van, bc he was posting in a thread he had no right being in. i asked a 60 hit, simple as that, nothing else…so if he wanted a 60 hit in his van then that fine, he attacked me bc he is a dick head, disabled or not, he is a cock sucker and thats all there is to it. If this guy didnt have a disability he would still be a dick, has nothing to do with how ur legs work, all he has is a mouth that spews off shit and i dont take it.

A couple of things here:

Go back a few pages and READ. Fucking READ. Stop what you are doing, turn your winamp down if you really have to, and read. Tony simply said a comment about hotwheels racing his minivan, nowhere did it say “good luck with your minivan and your handicap” or anything remotely even close to that. All he did was mention the van, which was meant to be mildly humorous because unless your name is Ryan Kramer, you don’t race in a van.

It’s pretty clear in their posts who is insanely jealous over some materialistic object that another human being on an internet forum owns. Get the fuck over yourselves already.

The next time you’re out and about, here’s a little experiment for you. Take two people from the street, one dressed in a $5000 suit who drives a Mercedes every day, and another dressed in jeans, a collared shirt, and a pair of Carolina workboots. While it would appear that Mr. Mercedes is loaded with cash and is living the life, in reality he is only heavily loaded into one thing: debt, and lots of it. Guess what the man in jeans and a collared shirt, minding his own business has? That’s right, cash, and lots of it.

Every millionaire I personally know, or know through friends/family/neighbors/relatives, all have one thing in common: they don’t flaunt their money. They’re dressed just like you and I, and have the same level-headed attitude as you and I. Mr. Mercedes is nothing but a fucking phony, a fake.

Now relate that back to this forum. What members do you see posting only when they get a new pair of $2000 BBS wheels, or a new Nissan GT-R, or a $300,000 house, or to just simply point fingers and ridicule somebody else? I think we may start to see some similarities here.

Now you’re probably saying to yourselves “well what about you, what the hell are you on here for? What’s your point?” I personally post because I love cars. I’m a car guy. And while I do get carried away at times with dumb shit and other off-topic useless banter that I won’t even bother to mention, I really do it all in good fun. I would never post something meant to hurt someone (unless you fire first, then all bets are off). I was raised in a family where I would get my fucking ass beat if I stepped out of line like some of you class acts do on here all to often. Maybe it’s time you take a step back from this forum for a while and re-evaluate why you are here. Some of you could use the vacation.


+1 to all that above ^

everything else is useless (including my own posts)

Alpineskiier=epic post.

I would love to see your and Tony’s roles reversed because you act as if you wouldn’t take the money/business if your family gave you some of it.

If you did take the money, I also promise whenever you bought a new car you would post it on Shift, because that is what we all do whenever we get a new car.

Guys, stop… I’m gonna start RAGGGIIINNNNGGGG.

I didn’t realize it until a few others pointed it out to me… But other people make comments just like I have (minus the scum bag piece of shit) and you don’t get mouthy with them back. Interesting.

99FRC, I don’t know what my life would be like if I had money given to me… I do know that I grew up with handfuls of kids who have been as fortunate as our local raging, screw driver toting, viper assaulter and act nothing like he does.

Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn’t.

And gooo… Again.

HAHA WTF??? who stabs suckas with a screw drivah?

With ZR1, wasn’t people… He’s a viper hunter…

Now someone else I know…

Oh man I missed something then… Dang

some kid on here tried goin at me with one lololol it didnt work well for him . the other stuff dont ask i think its comin out soon eneough

minus the house…but haven’t you been doing that for the past couple years??? Maybe not to the extent tony has but pretty close.

I love how everyone turns everything into money…who they got it from where they got it how they got it…who the fuck cares…to be honest with who ever…I would kill to be able to move back home… I sure as fuck would be doing the same damn thing as tony and having a good ol time doing it…

Sorry tony i’ll get off your nuts now!!!

Fuck yeah man, that’s grounds for a fucking beat down! who on here is pussy enough to go after you with a screw driver???

I should have stayed at home with my parents to man, But the only way I would go back now is if something bad was to happen.

i think its deeper than just the money , the money just ices the cake so to speek . tony does tear up wheels in other things and so on . we all know what the van comment meant . i PERSONALLY havent had any wrong,s wit tony but this one wit wheels bothers me as i consider wheels a friend not a aquaintance . remeber people there is sides to people ya may or may not see or heer about

noboosdt35r lolol he fell asleep . lesson learned:lol

Ohh shit! Fucking kids!