Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

id deff not be livin back at home . but id live wit someone elses parents

that why i said what i did , thAT ID DO THE SAME THING BUT A LITTLE DIFF
noone on here can say that they wouldnt do it either .

This isn’t about the money… With how much I had to spend on my van, I could easily afford a very nice car… Not a ZR1, but many others.

The money to me was in my mind the reason for the way he acts… Specially that of someone who is “spoiled”. You see it every day in 4yr old kids. And then when word spread about how he was arrested for hammering up (no pun intended) what was his best friends viper with a sledgehammer, screw driver, dirt bike, whatever it was and tossing a cinder block through the kids window of his house… Why should I show any respect for someone who’s willing to damage someone else’s property that they worked there balls off for? And if he would do that to his best friend, I know he wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. THAT is why Tony has targets on his back.

Call me a hater, call me what you want. Money is not my problem any longer…

oh man .

I wasn’t calling you out…i was just stating…i dont know any info about the viper…not my business and dont care to know

Yes shift drama ftw

i think wheels is just tryin to get the charector out . like i said the money is icing on the cake so to speek .

shit just got real deep…

Thanks Ray haahh

I may post about how I have those things, but I don’t bring up how much I paid or anything like that. I also am a part of the community, and post in several other threads, not just the threads about the new shit I bought.

I’m assuming that was all pointed towards me. Just because I don’t post in every threads on the forum, doesn’t mean that I only post when I get new things. I’m mostly moderating the forum when I’m on, not posting in all threads.

I know no one on the forum, including myself, would turn down money that would be handed to them. I didn’t even bring up how Tony got his money (yet he did mention how I got mine) as I said I don’t care. I heard several stories, but for now they’re just stories. It’s not about where he got his money, it’s about how he presents himself to the forum. I know several people see it, some others may be blind to it. In my humble opinion, Tony is a carbon copy of Travis Koch, but with money.

I’ve dumped some money into the 911 and the Subaru and that’s really it. The GT-R’s haven’t seen many mods except stuff that was “needed.”

+1. To me, anyone that would ever damage the personal property of someone who worked hard for what they got are scum bags. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lets make this hypothetical for a minute. Let’s say for instance that your best friend, the person you hung out with all the time, confided in, etc, slept with your girlfriend. Even if that girlfriend was a recent ex?

Would you feel betrayed? The answer is yes. Another hypothetical, if my best friend slept with my girl, keying his car wouldn’t be my only target…

Maybe it’s just me, but someone’s personal property holds value to me as well. I don’t shit on things people earned legally. Or maybe I’m too laid back for that, I don’t know. I don’t think any physical altercations solve anything, except for assault charges.

It’s easy to think logically when you are outside of a situation like the one I described. I don’t care what I say, you say, what anyone says, there is no way to tell what some people will do or are capable of in a situation like that.

If you don’t beleive me look at the papers once in awhile. You see respected, well off individuals with no reason to ruin their lives KILL people over what went on in Tony’s case.

Emotions will usually win in those situation no matter how you try to justify it now.

So that makes it okay? Because in your mind that’s what you would do?

Come on man, I think better of you than that.

i woulda put a rag in the gas filler nec lit it and run

So what you are saying is… ITZDADZ?

It’s not about that. I honestly don’t know what I would do in that situation and because of that, I can’t justify what would be right or wrong.

Again, when emotions take over, bad things usually happen. You can’t always blame the person for that.

From what I am gathering in this thread John stabbed someone with a screwdriver? Does that make any sense logically? NO. He did that out of emotion. And im not about to tell him he was right or wrong, because its possible I may have done the same thing.

No, John was defending himself from GETTING stabbed by a screw driver, I can understand where you would see that because my post was worded badly.


Ahh ok. Well the point im trying to make is still the same.