Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

We all get angry… Isn’t there something to be said about self control?

Regardless, anytime you harm someone or there property (unless defending your or your families life) you’re wrong. There’s no reason to justify it.

Fail, point missed.


Oh, and for the record, if it were MYMOMZ car it would be a Z06.

People have dealt with situations much worse than Tony’… Like the family of a murdered child forgiving the murderer.

The ability to control emotions is what sets normal people apart from the tools that cant. If a buddy fucks your ex and you key his car you are a tool.

Why so you could pay $5K more than I did to have 50 more HP and different gearing and shiny little badge that says Z06?

I’ll take the $5K I saved by buy the FRC and walk all over a stock Z06.

Nice try though.


So you have a passive personality, I have an agressive personality. Doesn’t make me right, and it dosen’t make you right. It makes us different. The sooner people start realizing that, that sooner this place will stop sounding like 9th grade.

Yup, because thats what you did… right? Are you in the 11’s yet?

i told my gf if she ever cheated on me that there would be some lead flying…

Being aggressive doesn’t require physical harm of a person or their personal property just because you aren’t getting what you want…

aggression ≠ temper tantrum

why is it certain things get skimmed over on here hmmmmmmmm . needless to say the screwdriver incident was exactley what needed to be done its a situation of me> him . doin waht tony may have done to the viper is b-s . the brick in the window is bullshit if it were my house someone would be dead , hands down id hunt em and straight kill him barehanded esp if my kids were AROUND and like i said i heard down the vine of what happened so im sure im sure some things are stirred and what not , and i also know what tony told me himself

so your gonna be a schenectady cop that night lolol :ahh

That’s good to know… Officer.

wait, tony keyed a viper??


I wasn’t being serious… relax boys!!

anyways…this thread went from racing, bitching at each other, damage to a viper/house, and now to cheating…WTF

so…tony im sure you and I will meet up at some point…im not going to set a date …when it happens it happens… but like I said in the past…i will be playing catch up. But i could really care less about racing.

i was kiddin also ray lololol .but back on topic lol

Next week on… “The Viper Hunter”…


i think im going to sell my house, move upstairs in my dads house and buy something cool… Im being serious.

its a lot deeper than that man . long story ask wheels about it lol