Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

Not totaled, but damn… That looks like 8-10K worth of work.

And you’re still fat. We’re even.

like i said . i heard it was close to tottaled

Touche’ fucker

im fat to chris so what now bitch lol

Wow that’s the most retarded excuse ever. OMG GUYZ IM SO DRUNK.

“Yes officer I was drunk as fuck when I called out the man who resembles a bear. He then beat the shit out of me, but I was drunk officer.”

you ass lolol am i really that big ? i dont stare at my self to measure up

I saw we gang up and steal his chair from him for making fun of our disability

:lol I’m not calling you fat. I just said you were bear-like.

hell yeah man . im gonna show that chair whats up

I dont think I’ve ever seen a skinny bear though…so in reality, you did

i know im fat … but bear like lolol

Bring it. I’ll run both sets of your bitch tits over.


It went 8.23 dude. Its a 4 cyl. Notice what what magazine looses every car build test. Oh yeah muscle car magazine. Not all domestics suck, and if done properly there great.

woooooowwww ur knocking on 7’s front door, shiiiiaaatttttttt thats fast

do you think it matters whether its a rotary, 4 cylinder, 8 or 24? thats what the majority of you thick headed honda owners dont get

do the math. Do you understand what the displacement is of a 4 banger with a T67 turbo on 30psi? I will give you a hint.,…its more then a 427C.I

and seriously, your bringing up magazines? You need to find new arguments bro as the ones your bringing up are pointless.

Have you ever even owned a domestic to be able to make an educated opinion? Or are you just going off of what you read in your HIN mags?

I have an 11 year old Domestic and it has had ONE problem in two years, a simple oil pressure sensor went. Interior is still 100%, no cracks, tears, or broken equipment. It has a V8 and still gets 30+ MPG highway.

Every car I owned before that was an import, and every single one of them had shit breaking all the time.

Keep driving your cute little civic thinking you know what you’re talking about.

Its people like you that give the honda world a bad reputation.