Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

Twas down souf

im sure thats the case, if somebody is that rich, im sure they wouldn’t be living around this area

There are quite a few people in the area that have that type of credit card

Custodial engineering is a high paying job.

i know first hand that a few people in this area have one

you want me to scan mine and post it so they believe you?

well thats pretty sweet, i just cant see a plethora of people having these

There’s a lot of rich people in the area, surprisingly. Most of them don’t flaunt it like some would expect. The people that bust their asses making money are usually the ones that don’t flaunt it.

nice 666th post, your doomed

i gots the light blue card

social security? lol

my grandfather was a self made multi millionaire by the time he passed away at the age of 69, 3 years ago.

He walked around with a old fishing hat, holes in his pants and stained sweat shirts. Greatest man I have ever met and will be the greatest I can ever remember. My best friend. Wouldnt hesitate to do anything for anyone.

some people flaunt money, others dont. Its the ones that dont that are loaded and down to earth.

this +1,000,000

I got a triple black card. No fucking credit limit. They actually pay me to use it as i please.

The people you see driving new Camrys and Silverado 1500s are millionares. Typically people with that kind of money don’t give a fuck about what they drive.

Normally the people who actually earn a shit load of $$ for themselves are normal, kind, modest people.

Saratoga - Lake Placid region is one of the fastest growing high income home regional on the eastern sea board right now. Lots of big companies moving into the region.

Billy Fuccillo has a black card.

navy fed. :excited

I have a pocket full of these: