rolling belts open, mayeng.

ive waked the streets in the fashon district and maybe this is only a cool EA thing… cus i aint not see that style thurrrr

Iced out belt buckle, unbuckled, I see that shit every now and then. It’s not an “emo kid” thing, it’s more of an urban thing.

rofl, the fashion district and EA do not have (many) urban/black people. try being witty again please.

edit: where did you wake, in EA? or did you walk?

nyc nikua

what the fuck is a nikua? are you talking about a palm tree?

dude, he is a label whore. just look at his avitar.

im not cool because im cool, im cool because i wear a $1000 t-shirt

here we go again.

i don’t own any bape tees, i own a pair of shoes, one. it’s a cool avatar (to me), let it go. i don’t own a car worth talking about atm, so i figure i can brag about my shoes, right? :wink:

edit: and putting a nike avatar would just be weak, even though they own the shoe game.

and holy fuck, today is bad spelling day on NYspeed. avatar.

not relivant if you own one or not.
its what you’re all about, its what defines you… this gung ho i need to have “under ground” style

haha, well, unless you’re wearing a burlap sack, you are wearing clothes because you want to present yourself to others as “something”

I don’t think a clothing label can be underground when the owner rocks a Rolls Royce and a 360 modena among other ridiculous cars.

I said I’ve seen someone unbuckle their belt before. Deal with it.

can this whole thread be moved into homosexual thread, err i mean homosexual undertone thread. On a serious note, Versace, D&G and Diesel>BAPE

The look is not complete without the unused suspenders!

People in high school used to do this. :shrug:

Agreed 100 percent. I don’t get why everyone thinks I dickride bape so hard when I have an av and a pair of shoes (among many). People on here crack me up - I guess there’s a reason most of you spend all your time on here…lol.


Werd. :stuck_out_tongue:


edit: I quit this thread now. Newman, stay flossin :smiley:

I meant it literally. :slight_smile:

i wear my pants backwards…

No I know, that was a dumb way of pointing out you saw this before too.

that’s grammar. not spelling.

straps DOWN nka

don get’s + points for this thread.
