Rolling Shots, and AN random shot.

i love that we are more than willing to take pictures for people free of charge.


Awesome shots!

I love that we both look good in thongs.

On a serious note, I feel as though we’re just trying to progress our photography skills. Like, I wouldn’t feel confident with charging people for shots that aren’t the best I can produce, and I’m not on that level yet. There are other techniques I want to try before I can say that my pictures are worth monies. We also have to rape Ian and coax him into a Photoshop seminar :wink:
Of course, its going to be hard to progress any time soon, seeing that there will be rain for the next 8 days.

Thanks <3

awesome shots man can i get in on these free rolling shot sessions?

For sure. Can I get in on that free M3 test-drive session?


I’d be down for getting my car in for photos. Only pics taken of my car have been on a cell phone lol.

If only the clouds stopped pissing.

Word. Today was perfect. I’m sure the forecast will change throughout the week. And, I’ll be down for photos.

I found that secret spot first, I get all the street cred for it…

Come take pics of my build! fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu

#2 is awesome.

Who found the 966? That is more important.

Deal. LMK when. And, teach me how to take my motorcycle apart :wink:
I <3 you.

Thanks :tup:

dude my names not vinhdc5 on here lol

I have never taken apart a motorcycle but am deff not scared. Lets doit!

Pretty sweet!

Oops. You have been lurking too long on NYSpeed then. lol.

Down. Unfortunately I have no way of moving it. lol.

Thanks <3

its a 944… lol and me and iank found it when we did the photoshoot of drews GAY M5

lol @ 966

lol FUUUUUUUUUUUU guys. I meant to type 944 and was in another world.
I’m up there in fail with the guy quoting his own post and calling himself an idiot :doh:

well i suppose you could have meant 968…

Or 666