Roomba + Monkey Head...LOL *VID*

Science Marches On…

Recently it being my birthday and my parents not knowing what to get me, they decided to get me this

He is an articulated disembodied monkey head with touch sensors, light/movement sensors, stereo hearing and about 8 motors in his face to make his lips, eyebrows, head, mouth and eyes move independently. He is also programmable and can act as a guarddog.

He is pretty freaky, but what he needed was wheels. Luckily i just happened to have a roomba, so in a flash of inspriation the technology convergence that is the screaming monkey robot vacuum cleaner was born. It had to happen.

Prepare yourselves…

:lol: :lol: :lol:

[Taken from Something Awful Forums]

Im only getting audio


that looks so messedup

that would freak out a kid or a dog or two.

I think he should unleash it in a daycare center

moved (its not automotive electronics)
it is however a bit disturbing

holy shit, just seeing that pic and reading the last paragraph made me start cracking up at work. vid doesnt work for me though:(

that thing is scary.

i want one


That is disturbing :Y

i am lauging and i havent even seen the vid


Sounds like a brilliant idea! Kiddies don’t stand a chance. :tup:

uck, it wont play with WMP or QT


Yeah dude i cant see it either.

me too :frowning:
hopefully my home computer can play it.

direct link:

i already tried that, still no go…

x2 I am getting Simpsons-like flashes though… :eekdance:

ooops sry i was still editing my msg.

these should do the trick.^^