Rosie versus Donald

2006 is taking a quick upturn!

Rosie needs a nice brick to the face, stupid cunt


“I’m worth billions of dollars, and I have to listen to this fat slob?”

"When I saw the tape, I said, ‘You’d better be careful or I’ll send one of my friends over to take your girlfriend!’ " Trump told The News. “I imagine it would be pretty easy to take her girlfriend away, considering how Rosie looks.”

Donald Trump is my new hero


i love when he said… im going to sue she cus i would be fun"


trump >*

hahaha best celeb fight ever

I read that quote yesterday on drudge.

I could just hear the donalds voice when i read that quote.

Fucking classic.

The donald is my idol.

you gotta admire a man who was rich, then poor, then worked his ass off and actually used intelligence to get super rich.

and as a bonus, he makes fun of nasty chicks and had a hot wife and daughter!

Shredd N Ragan had clips of this yesterday…Donald>Rosie

Donald needs to stop whining…kuz it’s true…
Last time I checked you can’t sue someone for an opinion they have.

depending on how she does it could be called slander…

Rush has been covering this story pretty well.:smiley:

She said he filed for bancuptcy which false and slanderous.

You listen to Rush?

Ew. I was listening to him the other day. I needed to balance out NPR and Renee Moontaaaaahggggg with something and Rush fit the bill.

I think one has to abuse Vicodin to listen to him for any length of time. It’s pure and utter crap. NPR requires one to get completely baked. It’s also pure and utter crap.

Rush is VERY extreme at times but he does make many good points. Yes I said it. He may be very right wing extremist, but many of the things he says make sense. For those that disagree, listen to that Liberal radio show…oh wait…it failed :P.

And :tup: to the Trump putting that fat lib bitch in her place.

fuck rosie.

from the trumps mouth: “Here’s the story: She is an extremely unattractive person who doesn’t understand the truth. … I think she’s a terrible person. I can look at people and see what they are. She has an extremely low aptitude, in my opinion … and has failed at everything she’s done.” and

"Rosie’s a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie.”

bahahahahaha trump is the man