And so it begins v Time to log out.

Not sure if it’s a new trend or a slow news day, but that’s an article from today about people being sued for what the post about others online.

You are so fucking sued for calling me a domestic e-thug in that top 10 (or 8) thread.

I’m suing you for publicly threatening to sue me!

fry your a piece of shit

go ahead sue me.

I’m suing you both because the above posts are an insult to the justice system.

I love eating girl scouts, they are so delicious and juicy and sweet, I cannot stop.

mmmm girl scouts.

im suing you because you called my not-legit “business” crappy :cry:


I love eating girl scouts, they are so delicious and juicy and sweet, I cannot stop.

mmmm girl scouts.


Boy scouts taste better. (no pedo, no homo, no rapeo)


[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:7,topic:39090"”]

im suing you because you called my not-legit “business” crappy :cry:



I would like to file a claim against all of the Mods on this board because they have a sneaky forum where they talk bad about all of us regular members :frowning:

wow i am suing so many people for racial remarks

Someone can sue me all they want…I got nothing. Unless they want one of my dogs…in that case…do you want the one that shits on the floor or the one that constantly barks? lol

does this mean i can sue for libel?..

:lol: I should have thought this through before I made this thread…

Your all on the same level as SpeedPed79

sue me now :stuck_out_tongue:

sue yourselves for being sniveling fags.

This is nothing new. People have threatened to sue others on this board for “libel comments and slander”

You’re all a bunch of faggots if you can’t take criticism.

hahah i could sue like half of nyspeed but i wudnt do that

I’m going to sue your father because he didn’t have enough common sense to pull the fuck out of your mother