State Senator sues God, yes God.

i bet the devil made him do it

I’m sure he’s sold his soul for something, as well.

:kekegay: at the guy. Waste of time

That was firvolous! I want my minute back! :smiley:

his point was that you can sue anyone these days… i guess …

and people like that run the country… we’re doomed

I’d sue the bastard also if he made death threats against me.

Would not be the first time

I guess everyone but Sonny missed the point. :rolleyes:

If someone sued me, I wouldn’t let them in my house later. Just sayin’ this might be a bad idea.

it is clearly stated in the article that he is doing this just to make a point, so no, not everyone missed your point because his point and your point are actually the same point, which is lame.


You got it, you’re SMRT!

and you were suprised with that outcome?

That Sonny is so smart.

i saw an interview with the guy and part of his point was that you can sue anyone these days, but the other part was how the far right and far left political groups use lawsuits and the court system to try to further and get their issues won and in the process making a mockery of the justice system.
the “you don’t like my views, yours are different, so i’m going to sue you to get my way” instead of actually making a case on why their view may be better.

and yes, sonny is smart…

i heard he’s an asshole

Yeah, I’ve known that since what, 10th grade? But that’s part of your allure. This coming from another asshole.

anyone who drives a vw is either an asshole or a hippie, so yea, it fits.


Update, for those interested.;_ylt=AlyWwIHF0C71KpVQvZarwzWek3QF