Best lawsuit ever .....;_ylt=AnhJWCOXcBRY2DxTPN5_NTus0NUE

State Sen. Ernie Chambers sued God last week.

He can be sued in Douglas County, the legislator claims, because He’s everywhere.

Chambers says in his lawsuit that God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents, inspired fear and caused “widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth’s inhabitants.”

I’ll see your guy and raise you an even better one -

Some dude is suing google for using his social security number which they encrypted into the word “google”, and apparently made him open to identity theft or some such.

Oh, touche

and they keep on coming;

Jonathan Lee Riches is suing Apple and O.J. Simpson for hiring Simpson as an assassin to kill him,
exhibiting prejudice towards political prisoners by slashing iPhone prices, and cloning Dolly the sheep in 1998.

the best update for the god lawsuit is that there was a letter in response… apparently from another holy figurehead.