Gods team... is going down the crapper

so. remember back in high school. when you had all of the answers to a test. and somehow, the test was very, very easy.

now think about it in the NFL… if a team or a player knew what every player on the other team would do in every situation, almost to the point of being able to predict specific players actions, wouldn’t you make all the right decisions too.

and it begins.


patriots get sued.

I see New England tickets getting very expensive in the near future…

lol, and so it begins. spygating and lawsuites. i hope boston loves there patriots cause like said before, tickets are gunna get awefully pricey even more so then before.

i hope tom brady and the rest of the motherfucking ungrateful worthless trash that is the patriots team/office burn in the fiery pits of hell.

they deserve far worse. fuck the patriots:deadhorse:

haha sweet

Two things:

1.) How can you sue someone for ALLEGEDLY doing something? If they have zero proof (beyond circumstantial naysayers), why would a court even bother?


if it was some podunk lawyer from mississippi representing them i would agree. but i think the article said it was a DA or state attorney… they have proof.


NEW ORLEANS (AP) – A lawsuit filed Friday by a former St. Louis Rams player and others seeks millions of dollars in damages from the alleged taping of Rams practices by the New England Patriots before the 2002 Super Bowl.

The Patriots won the game 20-17 in the Superdome.

The $100 million suit, filed on behalf of former Rams player Willie Gary in U.S. District Court in New Orleans, names the Patriots, team owner Robert Kraft and head coach Bill Belichick.
DA huh?


They can’t have proof unless the ex-patriot staff member leaked / sold his supposed tape. The one that he just went on public record about a couple of days ago… saying that he’ll hand it over if he is granted immunity / backing by the Kraft family.

i was tired this morning. :frowning:


i hate things like this unless they tell u theres proof. proof or shut up…i hate not knowing haha…and why the fuck is that senator( forgot name ) wanting to know why godell destroyed the spygate tapes?..dont senators have anyuthing better to do? i mean you have people dieing everyday over seas and the biggest stories in news are if roger clemens did steroids and why godell destroyed the tapes.

the word ALLEGED is always used regardless if there is proof or not… BECAUSE it has to be proven in a COURT OF LAW before some news organization can accuse someone publicly… and not get fucking sued in return

Right. I appreciate that. My point is that the bigger story would be that this guy, turned over his “footage” to a retired player who no one even remembers… instead of giving them to the Pats in trade for League Immunity. Riiight.

So, its implied that there is now some other proof of these acts? And this old player sat on it for 7 years. I can only assume that they are trying to force the tapes to be brought out… even if they are. And the taping violates league rules, does he really expect he should recieve $100M because of it?

It’s still a stupid fucking lawsuit. I understand the possible ramifications, and maybe thats what they are trying for. I’ll stick with :picard:

Again, VIDEO TAPING is only a violation because of the USE OF TECHNOLOGY. People on the field (PLAYERS) are specifically assigned to TRY TO STEAL play call signals from the other team. They JUST CANT USE TECHNOLOGY to aid them. Stealing is nothing new… trying to archive footage is a violation.

This is a ridiculous frivolous lawsuit by a player that lost a game 6 years ago.

Go cry somewhere else.

First off this lawsuit is a bunch of bullshit as pointed out by multiple people already. Secondly someone needs to tell Arlen Specter to shut the fuck up more often and mind his own business.

on a side note:

The American Medical Association has announced new national symbols for choking. Please inform all of the people in your safety department.

Old Symbol:

New Symbol:

weak, there has been a e-mail floating around with the logo being the Cowboys since they lost.