billy gaines case: commentary by cutty

I just read in the paper that the priest who gave him alcohol pleaded guilty to a few things one of which was manslaughter. I agree with that. But now his parents are suing the diocese of pittsburgh. I’m disgusted that people do this type of thing. Ok you got your justice but now you want money cause you son was irresponsible and was drinking underage? Thats sad that people think they gotta sue and get money. There is no honor for your son in that. When people sue someones insurance that is a little different but you are gonna sue a diocese? what about all those people that the diocese helps out. Thats gonna affect them if they have to pay out some huge settlement. Money sometimes is more trouble than its worth, maybe there gonna find that out the hard way.

I agree Bob. There was wrong on both sides. The priest for providing the alcohol and the kid for allowing himself to get into that situation. The justice system did its job, end of case. This family is going to argue that he could have been an NFL player and try to garnish possible future earnings. Bad things happen and there are consequesces to actions. Life goes on. If the diocese does have to make any payments though, you are right, that money will be coming out of needy peoples mouths because it will affect any charity work.

the diocese helps keep the schools a lot of us went to up and running. I spent 12 years in catholic school. I think had i gone to Pittsburgh public i might be a little worse off.

They are suing because there was a pattern of this type of behavior with this guy before. Obviously the stuff before did not stop this guy from giving kids drinks so maybe this will. The diocese knew this and didn’t stop it… You don’t really know why the family is doing this and you don’t know what they are going to do with the money. Maybe they will end up doing more good with the money than the church.

more good that what? helping the poor people of pittsburgh? Priests don’t take a vow of poverty like nuns and brothers. File a civil suit against the priest.

A person i know lost their mother because of hospital neglect. All the person wanted was an apology because they are an honorable person and that meant more than some dollar amount. The hospital decided to snub them and give them a run around. Only then did they sue. The case was open an shut in favor of that person because the hospital was so grossly neglegant.

Remember too that Billy Gaines was a DEVOUT churchgoer ( I think he was Catholic but not sure)… 2 people made a wrong, it doesnt make sense to sue to get money when both were wrong.

I don’t feel it would be fair for the priest to sue billy gaines estate because his choice of drinking underage has now cost him his freedom, so why is it fair that his family can sue the priest?

I know civil and criminal trials can’t be double jeopardy, but maybe they should… Maybe, once you are convicted of a criminal trial, you should be exempt from paying anymore than a set amount of money in a civil trial (like 250k) or pay nothing at all… its rediculous you can get hit twice.

well like the sentencing part they should have a restitution part also. I know when that home slice stole my ride he got recieving stolen property, unauthorized use a motor vehical and vin tampering. He then had to pay Allstate for the amount they gave us and we also go a check from the DA in his name for our deductible. I’m actaully gonna see if i can get a copy of his criminal record and the letter in his name and frame it with a picture of my car.

sue everyone

It’s the only way to get ahead nowdays :smiley:

im all for people suing the church.

if people didn’t sue, i wouldn’t have a job. it boils down to the better attorney. I think the diocese should know what their priests are up to… i mean come on… as stringent as they are to begin with, i’m surprised they had no idea this was going on.

either way it’s bullshit… the kid did infact drink underage and the dude did provide it…

Churchs are the only people that can do good and donate money :dunno: I guess all the money that I give to various charities I support means nothing then. You have no idea if the family is going to send poor kids to school, donate it to other charities, what ever. You are saying it’s only for profit. I’m’ trying to tell you that it might not be that way.

And also they knew that this guy was running around doing this stuff and all they did was move him from church to church, they share some of the blame as well. It’s not like this was the first time he provided booze to minors and they knew this. It’s like the child molesters that they just moved to another church so they could molest new kids. They share some of the blame and the only way they can be punished is by suing.

i just think its funny that the church is getting sued on no other grounds than I hate religion. PS the Pope is gonna die.

he was giving them alcohol for a reason.

its funny how religion makes people blind

I nominate myself to be the next pope. I’ll make Darkstar my vice pope.

he doesn’t even know what day it is…let alone be able to do his “pope” duties

fucking sweet. Vatican city will be the next Amsterdam.

Mike, i’m cool with ya but you don’t gotta gimmie your views on religion, thats not what this thread was about. The pope is completely irrelevant to this coversation and that was uncalled for.

The justice was the preist pleading guilty, aprently that wasn;t enough. People need to sue but not when it was because of their own neglegance. No one said drink it. The priest got punished for his part that should be the end. No one forced that girl to take E, drug dealer should suffer the same fate as this priest. i’m sick of the “blame everyone” attitude. people need to account for themselves.

i can agree with that. people sue way too much.

Why can’t you understand that they are to blame since they turned their back on him doing this before. If he shot and killed someone, went to jail and the State granted him a pardon and he went out and killed again you would be screaming your head off. That’s what they did. It’s called failure to exercise the care that a prudent person usually exercises = negligence. They are not blaming everyone. They are not blaming Pitt, they are not blaming the booze company. They are blaming the guy who gave the kids booze and the people who turned a blind eye on this guy who kept on doing this. I’m against just suing anyone, but it’s just like the touching of little kids, until you get hit where it hurts then it continues.

ok, i read the link. Yeah those parents need to DIAF. The kid was 19, not 12. Im sure he is the only kid on Pitt campus that drinks underage. If the kid was younger and had died from alcohol poisoning, then I could understand, but this kid was 19 and was doing something fucking stupid. Im not gonna say that ive never got drunk and done stupid stuff, but I wouldnt want anyone else held accountable because of my poor judgement.