Roughest commute

16.2 miles, between 45 mins and 1.5hrs… 2hrs 10 mins one day.

I use to do Williamsville to Downtown Rochester everyday --> 65 miles each way.

If he has so much money why doesn’t he get a place in the city ?

~$2000/mo payment for a house with a yard here compared to $10000/mo to rent a place in manhattan. he’s also close with his family that’s here, dinner every sunday with the family sorta thing.

16 miles, i do it in about 20 minutes. The 990 at 645 in the morning is great, hardly anyone there.

If he has as much money as you say he has he can rent a place in manhatten just to stay in during the week for $2000 a month. Its not like he is spending quality time with anyone during the week at home anyway. I have done a 2 hour commute each way and it is not fun. My commute is 10 minutes each way now and I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

That’s like what I do Just no Company Car. I get Mileage reimbursement:bloated:

Federal reimbursement rate is like .49 per mile isnt it? i could make out on that deal


having a new GT3 in the garage probably makes the commute a little more tolerable