Roughest commute

16.2 miles, between 45 mins and 1.5hrs… 2hrs 10 mins one day.


rochester to buffalo. 72 miles door to door


I use to do Williamsville to Downtown Rochester everyday –> 65 miles each way.


he owns a nice townhouse, a beach house at the jersey shore, drives a land rover for his winter car, SRT8 charger for his summer commuter, and last month bought a brand new GT3. He’s making some serious $$$ for a 24 y/o


If he has so much money why doesn’t he get a place in the city ?


If he has so much money why doesn’t he get a place in the city ?


~$2000/mo payment for a house with a yard here compared to $10000/mo to rent a place in manhattan. he’s also close with his family that’s here, dinner every sunday with the family sorta thing.

16 miles, i do it in about 20 minutes. The 990 at 645 in the morning is great, hardly anyone there.


~$2000/mo payment for a house with a yard here compared to $10000/mo to rent a place in manhattan. he’s also close with his family that’s here, dinner every sunday with the family sorta thing.


If he has as much money as you say he has he can rent a place in manhatten just to stay in during the week for $2000 a month. Its not like he is spending quality time with anyone during the week at home anyway. I have done a 2 hour commute each way and it is not fun. My commute is 10 minutes each way now and I wouldn’t give it up for the world.


Ok try this one. My territory covers 13 county’s . If you drew a line from north to south from lake ontario to PA line through the middle of lake seneca the left side of the line is my area. Its nothing for me to be in Sodus NY in the morning and have to do some work in Jamestown in the afternoon. Last week i had to go to Hanibal NY (6 miles south of Oswego NY)for about a 30 minute stop. Next week i have to be in Latham NY (Albany) for 2 days. I occasionally have to drive to Albany and back in the same day. Thank God for company Cars and gas cards. LOL


That’s like what I do Just no Company Car. I get Mileage reimbursement:bloated:

Federal reimbursement rate is like .49 per mile isnt it? i could make out on that deal



If he has as much money as you say he has he can rent a place in manhatten just to stay in during the week for $2000 a month. Its not like he is spending quality time with anyone during the week at home anyway. I have done a 2 hour commute each way and it is not fun. My commute is 10 minutes each way now and I wouldn’t give it up for the world.


having a new GT3 in the garage probably makes the commute a little more tolerable