Ruf RKCoupe

New Ruf car. Ruf has crammed a 997 3.8 with a supercharger into the Cayman S body. They have also added some new body panels and made the car a bit wider. 440 hp. 0-60 3.8 seconds.

Yet more reason why I lust for a Ruf.

my god that is gorgeous!


God, not only is that car beautiful but look at the others.

Id love to go to a car show like that


I dunno, I prefer the stock better.

Between getting rid of the rear windows, rear air intake, and changing the front it just seems a little off. It’s like some cars look good with everything color matched, and some cars need something to break up the lines. Could be just me…

whats on the hood?

man i love how ruf gets a porsche and then works their magic on it to the point they can rename the car. Those cars arent hot, they are siiiiiiqqqqqqqqqq(sp)

While I do love the regular Cayman the Ruf version is just insane.

ugh, i need sick amounts of money like now!

that is a nice ride. well thought out.

Some more RK porn

gas door

I like that alot… :tup:

I think i need to change my jeans now just after seeing that car…

Front half is great…the back half is ok

I really like that color to, uht oh i think hell just froze over, i like a porsche

EDIT:WTF happened to my sig it was 500x100, thats bull shit