Rustang's avatar

Where’d you get that at? That would make a nice backgroundpic.

I searched yahoo for skulls and added the backround with photoshop

tired of the known sexual offender?


good… this one is way more cool

post up eurodad and the camaro again.

I cant find it

HAHAHAHA… I’ll look when I get home… I should have taken a picture of him when he was “skinny dippin”


why??? he’s so cute running naked and cold thru the yard

oh god

shrinkage LOL


thanks Jim for getting rid of the freaky dude w/ the eyes… :eek4:

The old one was scaring my 5 year old. ( I told him if he doesn’t start eating his veggies that’s what he’ll look like) :puke:

:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue:

:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue:

Kind of funny how you got a picture of those so quick

i liked the creepy looking guy he was funny

like a frightened turtle