rustless rear quarter panels for 91 HB

Just wondering if anyone has any rustless rear quarter panels that they would like to sell. I need both sides and the only part of the quarter panel I really need is between the rear bumper and wheel well. If anyone know where I can buy brand new ones that would be even better. I tried my local autobody supply place but they carry rear quarters for the 240.

you cant buy those. All you can buy is after market over fenders (meant for going widebody, but come in varying sizes, can be similar to stock, but they are designed to get rivited over the quarter.)

you need to cut out the rust, wed in new metal, and then grind it down.

actually you can buy full new quarter pannels… tho i doubt anywhere still has any

or you can get lucky an fidn a wreked 240 where that spot isn’t rusty and cut chunks of the car from that…