Rusty Is No More :(

KrazyKid should get some type of award!!

I was thinking the same thing.

Will Stanceworks have the same reputation as Motorex?

Lets hope so

I’m erring on the side of he did some really dumbass thing and tried to cover it.

Mistakes happen though, but lying will get you everywhere.

Car sucked anyways.

Could be that too.

So far we have:

-It could have been done for publicity; if you haven’t heard of Stanceworks, now you have.

-Insurance fraud.

-He did something stupid and covered it up.

-He was drunk.

-Different car burned in the garage, many sets of wheels removed before burning - this goes along with insurance theory.

-The JFK/Magic Dragonball-Z fireball theory

I’m thinking it’s definitely not a different car as you can still see the shark teeth in the burnt up after pics.

I fucking lold

Perhaps he is covering up a murder.


You have to admit, my simple murder cover up theory is more believable than the pyrotechnic masterpiece he’s trying to portray.

he just gonna build it now so it will be a rolling bbq on some unobtainium rims or sumthing

seriously i think everyone can single out “insurance fraud” it wasnt a lamborghini guys… its an old ass bmw that had liability insurance on it…

i mean thats going by if its true about the type of insurance and thats hes renting.

so i doubt any fraud… its clearly an accident

I think he was applying a mathematical formula to see whether the engine will start being hydrolocked and the compression formula he used was 48/2(9+3) of pressure per square inch. He got 288 which would leave the motor locked.

But the answer was 2 so the motor blasted past hydrolock and threw the gas to the moon or however the story goes.



math…it hurts my brain…so much, i only got through a few posts of that thread before i was all sorts of confused…

This whole situation reminds me of this

anybody see that he has another e28 now? i call foul play…

Lol @ people caring about this guy and his car so much

Good I hope he cobjobs that new car, puts ugly ass over priced wheels on it and all the homo nutswingers flock. GFH