S13 Drift - come on critics!!!!

haven’t really seen any local drifters yet but was wondering what’s this guy’s skill level at? looks pretty sweet. . . :partyman:

I would say some super dorifto skillz

That was definately some nice vid. footage. Love the shot where he holds the drift and it seems endless, damn, i want a 240 badly, or better yet s15 front and 240 back, what’s the name for that? :anal

S13.5 methinks. …

I remember that vid. Super old. From NZ or Australia. Australia I think. Hes pretty good but theres a few drivers in Alberta who could match his skill.

i have been watching that guy drift everyday for the past week(on his links) his website is wicked shit too drdrift.com
nice pics of the restoration of his sileighty
and this guy looks like he is on the same track in aussy,i watch it lots also

glad other people appreciate aussie dorifto as much as me! :smiley:

yea sweet vid

one of my favorite drift video’s on youtube

i wish we had tracks to drift on here beside castrol parking lot…something we can practice on.

Around the 1min mark where he holds the angle for that unreal amount of time was really nice. It just kept going.

wow, gota love that synchronized drifting looks so sweet.

Yup really nice for only 180KW’s (about 220 HP)

thats a super sweet vid
makes me want to go driving so bad :E :E

Those wheels look like Andrews Uras wheels.

Awesome video, great car, and his driving looks pretty sick :!:

That guy hucks it hard. Seen the video before…good stuff.

I guess I have to be the one to let the cat outta the bag. Sorry to break it to you guys but all RHD cars drift like that by themselves, no driver required. :shhh:
Just like that episode of the simpsons where Homer becomes a truck driver and falls asleep and the semi drives itself.

haha i saw that 1 that was a good episode.


yay for simpsons…