S13 Gas Tank

I have an S13 gas tank for sale. Its been renewed so its basically brand new and will probably never rust out again…

$140 OBO i can get pics if u guys want them




here are the pictures, i tried to clean it up as much as i could but theres still a little but of dirt left on it. Theres a little surface rust like 2 marks which are near the filler neck nothing big. As i said its been renewed its a superb gas tank

Great deal on this guys

it costs over $200 to get your tank refurbished

Hey Rob,

You wouldn’t by any chance have good condition tank straps that held in that sweet tank in?


they were just ok condition. I think they still have the stock rubbers on them. I think it might be cheaper for u to just buy new straps. They’re universal. But if u needed them with the tank i give them to who ever gets the tank

SOLD to nick

SOLD to nick