S13GG, Happy birthday weirdo

happy birthday old man, gonna have to get u drunk

yea wtf… you didnt tell me it was your birthday.

lets meet up @ mcmullens again just like last year :wink: I so wanna get shit faced tonight

happy b-day.

…wish i could get sihtfaced. but i gotta work

dont get too sober tonight

just for handicapped me…

note to everone, using a SHARP CRKT knife as a pry tool when an electronic flathead screwdriver is more appropiate may result in stitches.

thats what you have a g/f for pal…

speaking of which, i hope she took care of you this morning before leaving for work, hahah :wink:

lets just say I didn’t get to sleep until 3:30am, and arrived at her house at 1am.

Happy Birthday Darian!

right on…

so what time are we getting our drink on at ?

happy birthday dude, it’s time to get krunk’ed up!


Yeah, Happy birthday… have a good one

Clean up your INBOX fool… tried sending you a PM and it says its full.

That or gimme a call…