S14 a/c system

hey looking to buy a S14 a/c system. need the condenser, compressor, and lines. must be in working order! pm is the key.

and its for a 97 S14 if that matters.

if anyone also have a S14 SR20 a/c bracket that would be good too

and S14 SR20 to S14 KA compressor adapter plate that would be great!

I have one I am taking out of my car tonight / tommorw. How much is it worth to you?

is it in full working order? how much do you want for it? i dont expect to pay that much since it garbage to most people.

and what year did it come out of? cause i read up that 97-98 might have different lines for the ac.

good luck finding s14sr20 to s14ka compressor adapter plate. i’ve tried to keep my ac when i did my sr swap but ended up just taking it out. sr a/c compressor are different from a ka since you need to swap the sr ac lines in and the whole works to make it work plus refill the system. there is a guy on zilvia making a s14 sr20 to s14 ka compressor adaptor bracket but i’m not sure if he finished it since he’s slacking but he does have s13sr to s14 ka brackets.

good luck if you find out how to make it work w/o replacing the whole compressor and lines let me know

i dunno i found some guy on nico who cnc’s them, but im not sure if hes still selling them. ill email him later i guess.

25$ and its yours. Its off a 95 zenki.
