S14 in sherwood park

There is an S14 in Sherwood Park that lives in the Foxboro area. Has an NECC sticker, just wondering who it is on here…

My dad was saying the same thing. I think it might be Dan.

Is that the guy with the RB swapped in? Do you know?

What colour? IF it’s purplish with rims its Dan. I think the one with the RB is green and I know its got quarter panel damage.

necc stickers on the front and back window then its me and no i dont have a rb20 in it

Do you live in Foxboro? If so, I live just up the street from you…

we are one big happy family in shr park

Except for really old people who cry and bitch about everything and throw curfews at people. Their out of the family, officially…

Lol. SPNECC represent.

yeah the curfew is nto a practical idea in my mind for shr park.

Sure it is. Cops will mostly use it as a tool when there are kids that arent doing anything illegal but look mischeivious. I lived in a town in Manitoba with a curfew and I never had a problem, even though I was out past it regularly.

Working at the newspaper I have heard pretty much every argument for and against it though, and I am still all for it I think.

Im agasint cause i know i’ll get pulled over for driving on the right side. still yet to happen but there will come a dick cop one day.

It wont affect you if you are driving.

i live in sherwood park too and i have a s14, dont leave me out u jerks

just like those punks today that stole a tractor and left it spinning in the mud!! lol Is that what you guys from “the park” do for fun?? :stuck_out_tongue:

This curfew won’t ever be enforced. Sherwood Park cops are lazy.

Do you live in Foxboro? If so, I live just up the street from you…Lol. SPNECC represent

Ya thats me in foxboro its weird i have never seen another 240 in foxboro though


This curfew won’t ever be enforced. Sherwood Park cops are lazy

Ya my friends mom is a cop and shes does what she has to so.
So if the curfew comes in effect then it just the young kids that just finished having there first beer and causing trouble or just the retard ones that love to break peoples property :partyman: :drinkers: :vom:

I’m sure if they’re causing a disturbance the police will step in but if they’re just walking minding their own business I don’t think they’d mind.

Also, my friends Dad is a police officer and we even joke about Sherwood Park police.

From what I gather from the scanner Strathcona RCMP follow up on pretty much every complaint they get. I don’t think I would call them lazy, but sometimes it seems there is a real lack of things for them attend to.