s14/s15 turbo

Looking for a S14 or S15 T28 turbo. Used or New.

Please PM me or post here,


you can buy my S15 t28 for $700. 20,000 km’s


where did you gte that turbo from?

buy a real turbo

from s15 motor… bing, stop hijacking


no offense but dont you think that is kind of high ? dont they usually go between $550-$600 ?

i mean why cheap out ? for another $250 you get it brand new from heavy throttle with 0km

no offense but dont you think that is kind of high ? dont they usually go between $550-$600 ?

i mean why cheap out ? for another $250 you get it brand new from heavy throttle with 0km[/quote]

His stuff is usually priced pretty high… but if someone needs it, then I guess they gotta pay it.

jedi’s right. i sold my s15 t28 for 550 shipped.

then again, axle is right. if someone needs it, they’ll pay.
