s14 t28 turbo

I am selling my T28 turbo for 400 dollars, have decided just not to upgrade

BUMP! still up for sale, also have QTP dump valve with 3 inch y pipe, $250

$400 is alot for a T28

no its not…

remember when jack asses like that used to get banned

he’s right, you can now get s15 ones for 500$ i would say knock another 50-100$ off and you’d get a serious buyer

No actually.
$600+ shipping - BNIB

Find me some where you can get one for $500 BNIB to your door and I’ll retract my statement.

^ i think he means used just like this turbo is used

Either way, $400 for a used S14 T28, So long as it’s ball bearing, is good.

Is it used?

Stay the fuck out of the guys thread
mabe its gold plated and blows you for pocket change, how do you know??.. howwww do you know.

Yes it is used, 400 OBO

turbo sold, lock