
Hey everyone… I have 5000 dollars to spend. I am looking for a 1995 240sx. Kms doesnt really matter because i will be swapping motors. The car needs to be a 5spd. Preferably a LE model. Lets see what you got.

if your swapping the motors, then why does it need to be 5 speed?

just curious.
but anyways, you should be able to find one on heref or that price.

have a look around on whats for sale… a few are up but I am guessing he wants it 5spd so he can drive it until he does the swap or until the engine blows up then swap :slight_smile: joking

clutch pedal? there are a few parts and hours worth of work to do an auto->5spd conversation aside from the tranny

ahhh, never even stopped to think about that.

good call

but yeah, there a couple on here, have a look, yuo might find something you like.

The problem is that i wont be able to do the SR swap anytime sooon… But yeah im having a hard time finding one for that price. And i cant stand to drive auto so im looking for the 5 speed. Also i dont wanna go through the hassel of finding al the parts to do the 5 spd conversion. Thanks anyways guys.