FS: 1990 black s13 pignose !!~SOLD~!!


I’m also selling all the parts needed to put in a 1995 240sx engine w/ relocation stuff along with 5spd swap.

the 1995 engine and 5spd set up is now officially sold:

But the car is still for sale,

And their are updated pictures on the cardomain.

:: guy flopped but he didnt leave me empty handed :D:D ::

how many KM ?

220lkm on body & engine.

If you guys want enough of the parts to almost match the price I will be willing to part front to back.

start offers like hey ill take the mint pignose bumper for 50

but that would be a waste of a solid frame.

Please someone buy this car!!

I need the money and Tim needs it gone fast.

Yes i did buy the car and yes my girlfreind did inform me that we are going to have a baby, now im up all night, cant sleep, stressed to the max. like i smoke 4 times what i did before. Yes im only 19, but im going to do the best we can, and that means im loosing all the toys, My new CRF450 is now gone ,CRF50 gone tuesday i hope, and i need some of the money back from this car. I wish i could afford it, cuz i love these cars, but i know i cant and Trisha doesnt even know im selling all my toys yet. Im selling them all to have money for a downpayment on a house, and buy a family freindly car (any idea’s???).

And i really wanna thank Tim so much for being so understanding threw this whole deal.


bump bump bump!!!

I need this car gone ASAP

someone make an offer.

The frame IS MINT the only problem is the rockers & hatch , Someone has to have the time to turn that car back into a legit ride.


700 OBO

I’ll keep the tear drops and put on steelies…

someone make an offer I need this car gone!!!

motor is VERY solid!

Is this car 5spd or auto?

Is it just the jack points that need some welding on the frame!?

the car is auto, but I would be willing to sell the 5speed options with the car if needed…

Yes, just the front under the driver side of the frame needs work.


how much for just everthing to do the 5sp swap?

Original Post Updated!

basically I want 1200 firm.

dose the shell come with a 5 speed tranny to?




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