S1DC is online www.s1dc.ca

We have just started our one web page and forum. We welcome everyone to view the web site and join our forum.

The web site is still under construction and will be completed shortly, you can still view the site but not all the content is there.

Bobby (ViZion) has been working on everything for a while and has done a great job.

www.s1dc.ca - web site
http://stage1crew.21.forumer.com/ or follow the forum link on the web site .

If you have any questions or coments please post them on the forum.

Thanks Chris

lookin’ good chris.

i just registered 8)

o sweet crazy legs is down. Which means everyone else better come and sign up as well.

Sorry its not actually completed but we want people to check out all the projects that we have going on right now, and all the events/projects that we will be doing in the upcoming season.

Requests will be taken for content that YOU the viewer would like to see. Just email us at <a href=“mailto:team@s1dc.ca”>team@s1dc.ca</a>.

Thanks for the support guys and we hope to talk/see you soon!!

haha yeah dude!

i don’t know what you guys are going to decide to go with for back-end coding, but if you need any php help, let me know.

looking good.

Hey Big-Byrd thanks for the offer man, and ill definetally keep it in mind. For now its just something simple to get us out there and establish our place online.

I am starting a web design course in sept. at school so I will probably make a new site in general.

Once again the help is greatly appreciated.

I’m don’t know what “back-end coding” is but the whole “back-end” part scares me. lol

site and forum seem good.

keep up the good work, now hopefully all the drifters will have a forum to talk on and continue to use the forums.

keep the community tight and keep shit real.

good stuff!

if you want, in the meantime, i can work something out for you guys after i finish two projects i’m currently working on.

should be finished with them in the next two or three weeks, so let me know when you need anything.



tell your daughters, hide your girlfriends.

You forgot sisters!! (Jammin)

nice guys!!!

nice site…looking forward to the finish product

this just really bothered me so i just wanted to clarify…

you meant site instead of sight right?

sight =

  1. the power or faculty of seeing; perception of objects by use of the eyes; vision.
  2. an act, fact, or instance of seeing.
  3. one’s range of vision on some specific occasion: Land is in sight.


  1. the position or location of a town, building, etc., esp. as to its environment: the site of our summer cabin.
  2. the area or exact plot of ground on which anything is, has been, or is to be located: the site of ancient Troy.
  3. Computers. Web site.
    –verb (used with object) 4. to place in or provide with a site; locate.

Are you serious?? Your obviously a very smart person you should be able to figure it out on your own.

Dude wtf?