Sabres not on tv next week? Update 2/25(bitching pays off)


Does this mean i have to head to a bar with the center ice package?

That’s pretty shitty. The whole point of making the team go all the way to the west coast was so you could actually see the teams that last years heavily division biased scheduled didn’t let you see.

Oh well, I haven’t been watching too many Sabres games anyway. My unhappiness with the coaching decisions has made Sabres hockey a lot less entertaining for me this year.

you can watch them on justintv and other streaming sites.

I won’t be staying up that late to mess with it however…

what specific coaching decisions are troubling you?

no rick either.

Not worth getting into. It was discussed in the Sabres thread.

cliff’s notes summary?

repost, check sabres thread.


Fuck yeah…But Rick isn’t doing play by play is he?