Sacrilege or Innovation? (rust content ITT, also BMW)

poor, poor, poor e28…

i owned an '83 533i and it was an awesome car. still worth near $7k in good condition.

this rusting bullshit should be done to a beater, not a near classic bimmer.

Yeah Pete, like I said, the car’s already been totalled out, nothing classic about it. content ITT

should i post some photos of what it looked like before the “treatment”?

the car was totalled, people that saw accident pictures didn’t believe it was fixed, thought he went and bought a new car. that car was worth 500 bucks before he rusted it all.

do it! im curious

i’ll post some later on today. im going home in like 30 minutes or so, so ill be home in like an hour or so after that.

and ladies and gentlemen, here the shots of the car BEFORE the treatment

are you serious?? i thought it was going to be some POS. in that case, that guy is retarded. looked sick the way it was.

those are photos from the owner

oh wow, why would he ever?! wtffffff

Perhaps this happened after the pics of when it was complete

you just proved that the guy is fucking retarded

Just realized. The “before” pics Votblindub posted are clearly not the same car. The black car is a 6 series coupe and the rusted car is a 5 series sedan. The car was totalled to begin with… who cares?

Looked further into it… the 6 series is his DD, the 5 series is his “art project” and this is his weekend car

Seems like he knows what he’s doing to me.

^looks like an S54B32 (e46 M3 motor) swapped e36 325 to me. very niiiiiiiiice

OOOO full polished equips.


shit looks great.

DO want.

They’re actually not equips, funny story behind those wheels, I’ll see if I can dig it up.

Can’t believe you’re the only one that caught that.

Vot - the cars don’t even have the same amount of doors, much less on the other aspects of how wrong that was.

I believe this is what the car looked like before

And for the record, I do love it.