Sad Story in the news

lol… i’m a bit of a tree-hugger, and here’s my take:

the guy has a history of reckless, unlawful behaviour; he has no defence. maximum punishment allowed for whatever he’s charged with.

p o s. death penilty!

The sick thing is he will get involuntary manslaughter I bet…and I wouldn’t imagine the death penalty will be issued. I bet he will get life in jail and just continue to be a waste…we the tax payers will pay for him to continue his bullshit in jail…wtf…if this is the case then some thug in jail needs to “man up” and put a shank threw his throat.

someone prob will if they find out he killed a minor. usually dont do too well with fuckin iwth peoples kids… now if the girl was 24 noone would care. :ugh2:

The same day, Mr. Rodriguez, free on bail from his latest run-in with the law – a December arrest for loitering and prowling – spent the day smoking crack and marijuana

No shit. People who are sober and mentally stable don’t do this kind of shit.


Put him and 4 others like him in electric chairs. Pull the switch and only kill 1. Repeat this every day with new asshole. It would be great looking as the assholes waited to see who got it today.

What agreat idea. It’s like you win if you dont win…

I know exactly where this happened in my neighborhood. I just bought a house in bloomfield. I hate the crackheads around me. they should all die, fuck rehab.