Safety Certification for S13

Hey everyone, i just bought an s13 from willx…thank you will…and i need a safety certificate in order to insure the car…there is a major crack in the windshield but i do not want to replace it just yet because there is rust beggining to form between the mouldings and the windsheild itself…i would like to do body work before i put in the new windshield…therefore, i was wondering if anyone knew anybody that can either let the windshield damage slide…or give me a really really “legit looking” fake certification…if not…please give me your opinion on what to do…( the crack is not repairable)…
Thank you to everyone in advance.

This again eh. The best advice I got is

Fix your fucking windshield

This is not some sort of black market deal we got going on here.

wow…why so angry man…thanks for the advice though :slight_smile:

No anger at all just straight forward. No fake safeties here or E-test’s. Feel free to browse a few of these type of threads in the past not a lot of ppl show love for these kinda requests.

kingtut, mechanics aren’t tight-ass dicks and if you have a working relationship with a mechanic you should be able to get a safety.

I’d talk to your mechanic or a family mechanic first and then explore other avenues.