
It hasn’t even snowed yet and my car is covered in salt. WTF…

Ice & precautions;)

PREcautions- worhtless waste of money. Let it get something on the ground THEN salt. This will help weed out he unsafe drivers. Naturally unsafe drivers will not wait until the salt trucks to drive… One big snow and for the next 3 weeks unsafe people wont be on the road because they will have wrecked. Hence needing their cars to be fixed.

Makes sense to me.

FYI- growing up in New England, and seeing how often and excessive the salting of the roads is aroung here- amazes me.

Not to be mean- just a rant. ha.

I understand jen, but…they do not put it down unlessthere is water or wet roads to begin with, if the temp is going to drop then they takt the neccesary “precaution” of putting some down b4 it gets too bad for drivers like urself. I personally would rather have salt on the roads to be safe then none at all and dying on a patch of black ice that could of been taking care of by that measly salt that u hate so much. I hate it too but salted roads>numerous lives lost by black ice,ice and snow covered roads.

guys are just trying to cover their asses, liability is a big issue when plowing/ salting, especially around commercial areas

damn man, beat me too it lol

I would rather not drive. So if I think its bad- I don’t. I understand precautions… but I doubt parts os New England have sanded OR salted yet.

Its not a HUGE deal, I guess I’m just not used to the precautions.

But there still are people on the roads coming home from work,it can happen even in pure daylight as well

I didn’t say it couldn’t. I just think some of the salting in the Pittsburgh area isn’t always a precaution, but premature.

In NE the plows and trucks wait until a majority of the snow/ice/rain has fallen. Then they sand and salt. I’m just not used to this much salting. However, I do understand why its done- - - I just think SOMETIMES its a little too much a little too early.

because everyone needs to go get bread, milk, and tp. the first snowflake falls, drop the plow and throw the salt…

i use to plow sony and some other lots about 10, 11 years ago. didn’t mind it then. then last year i helped a buddy out and realized that i would much rather be at home. the fed-ex lots i did in new stanton sucked becasue its a snow belt. could be a 1/2" every where else, but i’d have to plow there. or you get to a lot that had to be done by x:xx time and a spring would break on the plow, or the speader wouldn’t start etc…

glad to be drinking coffee and sitting at home right now.

had a TON of fun plowing lots.