Sam Adams Cherry Wheat

Took the wife to dinner, had a coule shorts of this stuff. Wow. :tup: :tup:

Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat® follows the centuries old American tradition of brewing beer with native ingredients, in this case Michigan cherries as well as a touch of honey. The sweet fruitiness of the cherries is balanced against the crisp, cereal note from the malted wheat and the subtle citrus flavor from the Noble hops. The end result is a sweet, refreshing beer that is light on the palate but long on complexity.

Definately pick up a few when You get a chance. :eekdance:

Holy shit, welcome to the twenty first century my friend.

Besides Cherry wheat is heart burn in a bottle.

Sam Adams black lager > Cherry wheat

Now go cop some.

yes, black is always good. I’d never had the cherry wheat. fell across it a Montana’s of all places.

ew it really is heartburn in a bottle… the only way i can drink it is with half a pint of guiness :slight_smile:

i love cherry wheat…i wish you could buy it in something bigger than a 6 pack


yes, black is always good. I’d never had the cherry wheat. fell across it a Montana’s of all places.


Dont get me wrong its good but it really gives me friggin heart burn BAD. I love Sam adams though. Good stuff. Their pale ale isnt bad to bad either.

no heartburn yet, thanks for the belated warnings. lol

Yah, most sam adams is worth the time… I still want to try the Utopia, but that’ll neve happen. lol


i love cherry wheat…i wish you could buy it in something bigger than a 6 pack


they sell it in half kegs

My first time trying Sam Adam’s ~6 years ago I bought a Winter Sampler.

I HATE Sam Adam’s for the cherry wheat. I have never given it a second chance. I dunno, I just can’t do it.

one at most, it’s too sweet. it is good with guinness or another stout floated on top though

i’ve had a few

ah its alright.

Check out their utopia, about 300 bucks a bottle, and tastes like a fine liquor.

They also make a chocolate beer that comes in a special bottle with a champagne style opener on it. Goes for about 30 dollars a bottle.

Very strong stuff.


i’ve had a few


no parking

wegmans had sam adams Utopias it was 100 for a bottle i think it may have been the smaller one, Cherry wheat is the shit and for another great lager get the white ale when it comes in season. Or just stick with some other fine begian ales.

IIRC, white ale is in season now.

Yea, Id love to get my hands on some utopia… but eh

no heartburn.

its also good for cooking stuff with

Oh yea, had (2) shorts ~4 hours ago. No heartburn. They must be :gay2:

The beer is not:gay2: you are for drinking CHERRY FLAVORED BEER:smash2: :gay3::smiley:

OT: but Ellitcotville Brewing Company Blueberry Wheat is an amazing fruity Wheat

It sounds decent. Will have to give it a try.