my Sam Adams collection has now grown to 14...

with my recent acquisition of a case of Cream Stout (which is delicious), and Brown Ale (which makes New Castle taste like Coors light).


Sam Adams > *.mainstream beers

This thread is worthless unless u hit the full 18:asshole

So you like the cream stout eh?

doesnt suprise me

damn you are a baller now… Sam Adams summer is still my favorite

Penns best >*

werd. Thank you so much for turning me on to that shit. :bowdown: You are a legend down here among my friends.

Workin on it. My buddy just got a bottle of Utopious tonight.

$100+ per bottle.

i do what I can, I am sure there is still quite a few beers that we could drink that you would go nuts for… just need a big pay day or something

i had the sam adams seasonal tonight, delicious…

I’ve never tried Sam Adams :doh:

Maybe I’ll get a case. Do they have a sampler case that comes with 3 or 4 different styles??

yes, most big beer distributors will have a sample case for this summer. There is a six pack shop in Moon that has all of the sam adam beers by the single.

Pimp. I know what I’m doing tonite.


i can’t get into the groove of buying different sam adams. I’ve had two thats about it. I drink what i know best Black Velvet, Nokalie Vodka 100 , Budweiser, straub, miller, Original coors. :gome: and / guinness

newcastle > shaggy

The Sam Adams Brown Ale I’m sipping right now >>>> Newcastle

cock isnt beer


By saying Sam Adams Brown Ale he actually means Brain Kings white semen
