Same old

Yeah, I’m new. I dont have a car yet, but I’m looking and saving up. I do ride dirtbikes, so if you do let me know.

welcome how did you find site?


I’m guessing by your name that you’re looking for Hondas?

Welcome aboard, junior member!







How I found the site: I was on craigslist and saw an acura integra (I think) with a sticker on the window that said, so I was like what the hell lets try it.

I’m not necessarily looking for a honda. I am going for a honda accord, toyota tacoma, or a diesel truck. I want a manual tranny definately though.

My name is Honda125 because I have a 2005 honda cr125r dirtbike.

i knew that… and what’s the deal with the monte carlo? price?

lol thinking the same thing

Welcome, is that Ford a diesel?


Ford is not a diesel, I wish it was

Monte may be for sale, but hasn’t been run since 91. Its an auto. I dont know much about it, but its NICE. If it was manual, I’d buy it.

I want to buy his porsche, but he wont let me cause “I"ll kill myself”. :nono:

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