Samsung Blackjack II

Anyone have one/knows someone who does? I’m looking into getting one but after all the original BJ horror stories i’m not too sure.

What horror stories?

Me & the woman both have Blackjacks and zero problems.

werd, i love my blackjack

I heart my BJ!

Seriously I have never had a problem and this phone has so much to offer.

only complaint i’ve heard is slightly inferior reception compared to other phones (small antenna? don’t know)

other than that i’ve heard good things, we support a few here @ work, people have been happy with them

Aren’t the new Blackjacks supposed to connect WIFI as well? I want one.

Any sites with information on the BJ2?

no wifi on the new one either

the horror stories i was talking about i heard from an ATT rep about 4 months ago when i was looking into a BJ1. He said that the reception was pretty bad on them and that the OS on them kept programs running in the back forever and locked up like crazy. Thats what shyed me away from them to begin with. The new one having WM6 its a definate plus, but i have yet to find a store with one on display. They only have them in a box and wont let me put the battery in to play with it. (stupid stores!)

damn it, why can’t more phones have wifi. I still like it tho. If I don’t get this, I’ll probably just get a Q and stick with Verizon.

i looked at the Q too and that a pretty nice one as well, but it is larger than the BJ2 and thats always a nice plus!

The stuff about the original bj running programs in the back after you closed them after 3 months they released new updates for it.

task manager works too.

classic bump … now that they have been out awhile, anyone have some good/bad experiences with them? May be picking one up

Have a red BJ 2, love it. Got it with no contract for $69 after I sold my iphone for $480 :slight_smile:

Everything that sucked on the first one, they fixed. Battery life is great, GPS picks up me walking around my house, OS is a lot speedier than i’m used to on a windows mobile phone (This is the first one i could tolerate using WM on for more than a week), syncs up and shares internet with my PC at 600-800k avg.

Only complaint I had was having to buy a stereo bluetooth headset because lack of a headphone jack.

I’ve had mine since they came out. Great phone. No issues except a SIM card that died, hardly the phones fault. Battery life is great, don’t have to store it every day. I don’t push email when I’m not away from work though.

Easy hack to enable real GPS and tethering to your laptop.

I had one when I initially signed up for ATT. It was pretty decent and there was a range of apps to unlock the software and GPS along with 3G speed. I wasnt too happy with the third party software tho for it so I went to the iPhone and the web browser sucked. Didnt like paying $30 a month to see a webpage displayed in a single column