Samurai Death Squad

Well, I was just watching 1000 ways to die, and this one came up. Not too sure what these guys were thinking… anyways watch.

Any1 want to play? haha jkjk

wtf did i just watch?

nice rims

crazy japanese? I dunno I thought it was cool they used 240’s

hahah i was just watching this too

that awsome man

I’ll play.

with foam lightsabers

awsome. The guy had fender flares without proper wheel fitament. Shame on him

what the fuck ? was surprised to see the s chassis’ in the show

man i want those advans

lol why???

lol, love their “white steeds” and loved the slutty cheerleaders even more. we should start up a club like that. i think someone mentioned a foam sword? lol

Pool Noodles FTW

I’m down, I can drive someone in te same direction as someone, RHD lol, down the highway with pool noodles :slight_smile:

We shall call it The Floppy Noodles

holy shit 240 jousting?

how has this not been thought of yet!

pool noodle figghts are totally going to happen at rhill meets from now on haha

Fucking… video not available in my country… Why are people so gay about geography?

Kim Jong-il doesnt want u watching this…


wth is this… seriously… are they running outa ways to die? LOL

WOOP! Spike representin’