Saudi drifter sentenced to death by beheading


Lol, Darwin.

This shit is just fucking insane, it sickens me.


more than one person lost an arm there…the one you see at the end popped off the guy that landed right at the street. if you watch the guy that comes flying into the crowd, he’s missing an arm as he’s rag-dolling through the air

Seriously? Sickens you? People half a world away, that you don’t know, die basically self nominating for a Darwin award and you let that bother you? Maybe I’m too jaded but I just laugh. I can see feeling bad if they plowed into a car full of people just minding their own business but that’s not the case here.

^^Maybe I should have re-worded that. It’s fucking insane with the drifting that they do. And I have a weak stomach.

I can’t believe the driver lived. That is some serious carnage.

Only in the middle east would there be such a calm reaction to such carnage. “Meh, I have seen bigger carnage…”

I’d give my right arm to survive a crash like that.

and I thought shit was bad when shoes flew off.

fucking arms.


bros they should have let him live for surviving that.

That’s insane!!!
The amount of times the car rolled is crazy. Wasnt there a drummer from a old popular band that lost his arm in a roll over…I can see how.
This totally will make me wear a seat belt in the back seat. The DMV should use this video for the same

i really enjoy how there are a couple guys stuck half in and half out of the car and they keep getting crushed every time the car rolls. you can see them with their legs stuck in the car but their upper torsos being rag-dolled under the car… then at the last minute the one guy flies out.

it’s funny because cause i don’t know em.

at 2:30 the guy waving the yellow cape taunts the car like its a bull…lets just say he got the horns LOL
4:10 is the first time ive seen a full size SUV do it…
4:20 you can see superman was driving it
5min mark = more flying bodies
5:15 a guy gets caught by an outta control car and is pinned under it while its on fire
5:40 they go bowling and STRIIIIIIIKE