For those that don't like the police...

… interrupting your drifting, move to Saudi Arabia:

I’ve heard pork isn’t popular over there.

Saudi Arabia…

Disregard life.

Act like huge rich assholes.

Don’t know how to drive standard vehicles.


Something tells me when that cop came back some heads rolled… Literally.

I’m going to wait for the investigation to conclude with a beheading before making a decision to retain my devil’s advocate status

So what, are you the new glitch? Going to follow me around posting nonsense until you eventually get banned? :slight_smile:

There was a group of people who were sentenced to beheading, but that’s because they killed a bunch of people watching the drifting.

Pretty sure chasing down and ramming a police car would fall under their definition of sedition, which is a crime punishable by death. Beheading is their favored method of capital punishment as well.

Some other capital crimes in SA, in case you were planning a drifting tour…

Adultery[if the adulterer is unmarried then he receives 100 lashes. If he is married, then stoning to death which is called Rajm]
Apostasy[the apostate is however given three days to repent and return to Islaam. If he does not return then he is beheaded]
Armed robbery
Drug smuggling
Home Invasion
Homosexuality [If the person who is sodomized by his or her own consent, then death penalty is also applied on him/her]
Sexual misconduct
Theft (fourth conviction)
Waging War on Allah

I’d be in trouble with these ;(

Does anyone have anything cool over there (besides oil money families) or does everyone just have cars that look like rental looking cars for “drifting”.

I thought it was funny. Am I missing other shots taken?

The have the greatest police auctions there. Supercars for dirt cheap.

jays that list is amazing.

going to copy and paste it into my hobbies