Alright kids, as you may have noticed i am never on shift anymore. This is due to being broke, lazy, and trying to finish college. You may think to yourself, fuck off swifty we hate you, or perhaps, gee swifty what can i do to help?

If you are interested in me graduating, and re-entering the car scene, i suggest helping me out by taking this survey. Basically, my degree depends on me passing this class… so get to it.

Thanks fuckers, maybe if i get enough responses i can leave my dungeon this summer and participate in tom-foolery with you clowns.

Fuck off swifty we hate you

Fuckin Swifty is at it again. I could care less if you’re on shift. You’re much more amusing in person. Or in collaboration with Singh.

lol… well pass this shit along to everyone you know please. i’m tired of getting old and being in school still. I can’t even checkout the freshman @ school anymore… feel like a pedo. Need to get the fuck out of here and get a normal job so i can spend all my money on my car again…


thanks :slight_smile:

your survey sucks but I did it anyway.

Swift you’re alive!

Done buddy!

thanks… wasn’t the topic i wanted to do the project on, but i don’t really care as long as i get 341 people to take it… /facepalm


its all good homie. I was kidding anyways.

I was pissed the Schticky didnt make the list. :ROFL


The Schticky is honestly the funniest commercial I’ve ever seen



swifty i still love you and don’t worry i’m still in school and broke too.


Done man

Your welcome


Thanks everyone!

in honor of possibly graduating, i bought a battery and started the deuce today… Sigh