thats fine with me. just got word that my new turbo comes in today. retune is next friday
That a boy
Cool, new turbo = exciting. I am not changing anything on my car, just the new transfercase, so you know what to expect out of my car. I am rematching the dom4r guy with his c16 tune as well. Fun times :tup:
I’m down for a race as well.
Let’s start a callout: neonglh thread and get a group of people to do runs. I just don’t have a camera, so hopefully someone out there can film good for us!
Joe, that means have your camera ready.
same size, different brand. only difference besides that is it spools faster. in other words fuck fp and there shit :2fingers:
Indeed, I have no problem with that. What else am I going to do lol
Super good vid, gay song, good races.
I’d rather lose in that STi than win in any evo. That STi is super hot.