Scary ride in a fullsize

damn! and after it stopped, he still moved it forward a little bit to get off the pole! Had that been a small car it would have been doing barrel rolls across the lawn.



Think it could smoke a little bit more?

why do they even race those things. Looks dumb. Filthy as hell too.

Ram > guard rail.


Crazy that he walked away.


Meh, thought I would see some flying legs or arms or something because of the warning.

Doesn’t look like he ever let off the throttle

u can here it back down. diesel just smoke. i think fast diesels are bad ass. i plan to buy a diesel truck in the future

Word, I think they are badass.

Wow. is better

yeah, that used to be my attitude towards turbodiesel trucks too, til i read up on them

Not saying i’d do it, but i enjoy reading about them and respect their quickness. Lots of modded TD trucks down south here.


He did get out of it… but once he hit the guardrail on the left side he got back into it… probably not intentionally… but definitely hit that right side with 1200+ tq and stayed in it until he got suck on the bottom of the light pole.

The smoke is pointless. Great for smoking out ricers… and Chevy/Dodge drivers… but other than that it sucks. Banks has the quickest diesel truck… and the only thing it smokes is the tires.

FYI - smoke is wasted fuel… lots and lots of wasted fuel.

Got some nice air after he destroyed the barrier, too. Hairy truck.

I mean I respect a person with the skills, knowledge, hard work, and ingenuity to make something fast but still. Just because something has wheels doesn’t mean it should be drag raced.

A far left field example… drag racing trains would be incredibly stupid and impractical.

Basically I think that something with that much MASS borders on the impractical and extra dangerous.

Diesels are usually heavy duty and the heaviest of light trucks. If anything goes wrong then that much MASS is very difficult to control… as plainly seen in above video.

I cringe at the thought of a new crop of people racing around in those fucking things on the street.