to the driver of the black DURANGO R/T at UB...

i would like to extend my sincerest apologies for assuming that u had the balls (which you OBVIOUSLY don’t) to drive an R/T. i am sorry for offending you and im sorry for disrespecting your right to waste a perfectly good R/T. my bad, totally sorry about that one.

so im coming out of UB onto XXX and i see a black Durango R/T with chrome R/T rims, chrome grill inserts, headlight and tail light covers, and a bunch of stickers all over it. so we trun onto XXX, the guy firt of all cuts me off, so then i get next to him, give him a ittle nod, and get on it a little. he eases itno it a little but doest really do much. so i really lay into it and leave him in the dust, as it was apparent he didnt get on it at all.

so i look back and hes flipping me off out the window. WTF???

so at the next light, he pulls up next to me and the following ensues:

him: hey, u got a fucking problem with me or something?
me: not at all, jsut wanted to see if u wanted to get on it a little.
him: what? why the fuck would i get on it? its a fucking truck!’
me: i was gonna complement u on a nice R/T, but really, you shouldnt have bought the R/T to begin with, because you obviously are to scared to handle one.

light turns green, he makes a right, i go stright and while im at it i chirp the tires a little jsut for the hell of it. fucking asshole. pissed me off to see such a good clean R/T being wasted on some stupid inconsiderate dumbass.

haha, he soooooo gold sold the r/t by a salesman who wanted to line his pocket

you know he didnt buy it because it was an r/t, instead the salesman said “here … you like THIS truck more … now buy it bitch”

after that his vagina went dry and he knew he had to do as told, cause hes a bitch

haha yeah you’re prob right. when i looked at a R/T at a deale,r they tried down-selling me to a V6 4x4 dakota. the salesman didnt think i was ready for the R/T haha

:lol: C’mon, you gotta agree a little bit. He’s probably got a faster summer car, and the truck is his DD and feels it’s slow.

I personally can’t stand the fact that my 99 is stock now, and all these dumb asses always try to race me now at lights. I just keep driving normally as they go racing at green. Why the fuck do I wanna race my slow ass DD against some dumbass? I don’t, it’s my cruiser, simple as that. However I’m sure there’s easily over a dozen ppl out there thinkin I’m this pussy that wouldn’t punch it on green because I’m “scared”. Now, ask me if I care. No, I don’t. I race only on Sundays. :wink:

i wonder if it was my neighboor??? he also has a red camero with HUGE I MEAN HUGE yellow flames down the whole side of the car its soooooo ugly but i guess he likes it… he moved out of his house but i think he goes to ub i dont know i dont talk to him

Yeah, those 16 second trucks are scary fast

im not gonna argue cuz this int the place for it, but a Dakota R/T stock can do a lot better than 16. a stock Durango R/T prob could do better.

right because you have to race everything that pulls up next to you when you have a r/t :bloated: i guess all those people who buy vettes, vipers, porsches, etc. adn dont race them all the time should sell them too :lolham:

is he like german or something similar? Wonder if its the same camaro im thinking of

Maybe he’s just not a retarded little street racer?

:tup: to him.

I see this car all the time, and just CRINGE that some dumbass would actually do that to a car and think it looks good and that we was cool…

I really need to get my car put back together…

So he’s an asshole for not racing his truck? which isn’t fast?


Are you talking about him or yourself.



Im confused, you said he was too scared to handle a R/T?? lol now thats funny.

umm i might be mistaken here, but cmon, its a truck and under 300hp, im sure its not that hard to drive.


rofl hes gettin ripped apart

This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read all day. HE’S an asshole for not racing you in stoplight traffic? Are you for real?

Thumbs up to him for not entertaining you…

And you drive a truck?

And sorry to burst your bubble, but R/T’s are nothing worth calling home about. I wouln’t be calling him the asshole.

“Feeding power through a 46RE four-speed automatic to the Goodyear Eagle RS-A tires (P255/55R17), the R/T posted a 0-60 time of 7.08 sec, passing through the quarter mile in 15.50 at 88.72 mph.”

By the Numbers…
Truth-Telling on a Paxton Dyno

         Getting to the bottom of who really puts the power to the pavement, we enlisted the help of the folks at Paxton Automotive (805/604-1336; []( and its Mustang MD250 dyno. Each truck was given four pulls, in third gear, from idle to redline. Here's how they performed:

-------------------Max hp ------Max torque
Dakota R/T -----154.7 / 4300 --200.3 / 3700
SVT Lightning
—303.4 / 5200 --350.1 /3700
TRD S-Runner —180.8 /5100 —218.5 /2200



…it’s not even the Dakota R/T…IT’s a DURANGO R/T :lol:

Curb Weight4726lbs.s
Horsepower@RPM 245 hp @4000rpmTorque Lbs. Per Ft 335@ 3200

The 5.9’s extra juice helped the R/T clip one full second off the 9.1-second 0-to-60 time of a Durango SLT tested with the base 5.9 engine and 3.92:1 axle ratio (C/D, January 1998). It also sheared 0.7 second off the quarter-mile, running it in 16.3 seconds at 84 mph, three more mph than the SLT’s trap speed.
:lol: holy slow

You should have had a towing competition. :lol:

Seriously if I had a Durango racing would be the last thing I do with it.