SCC oct 7 - Pics and or videos

i would have liked to see a few more cars out there drifting, 4 wasnt enough. People were still talking about that seagull that you hit.

The postal system must have lost my invitation. :phooey

Kent, did you lose a skirt in that straightaway when you spun out in the dirt?

Yeah, 4 cars was maybe too few, but i think andrew wanted to put on a show that impressed people, and i think we succeeded in doing that. It’s pretty hard to impress people in 2nd gear and without drifitng the banks, so it sort of had to be people that could shred the banks good.

I wish pat could have been in it butAutodream didnt want a speedtech guy in it…and Conroy couldnt make it.

ya haha i didnt notice until after the demo lol there was no damage to it though, the zipties just broke that were holding it together! hahaha

i thought i saw something fly off

Among the worst shows I have ever been to all of the events added together Drag, auto cross and show there may have been 50-60cars. The drifting was the only thing worth watching and I am not a huge drift fan. Last year this event was huge a few hundred cars showed up. I was there when the gates opened last year and the line up for competitors was a mile long this year you could drive right in with no line.

Thank god i didnt even bother going.

HAHA i only showed up at three with chris and kent and them guys filmed drifting then left! brutal show didnt even go look around HAHA!

There was nothing to look at but some riced out civics and integras, only car worth lookin at closer was the 350z

Yeah, trying to have a car show in october is a stupid idea in Alberta. Not to mention the fact that it was on Thanksgiving weekend and that it almost got rained out. Im hoping next season is better…


bump for vid!!!