Schmeider, Tool or Cool?


boy u gots lots to learn


Kill yourself. No, Seriously.

When u turn 18 i am gonna personally ri[p ur fucking head off and shit down your thoat then i think i might just take your fucking dog or cat or whatever pet u have and throw it in boiling water while stil alive just for the hell of it since it is yours. If you weren’t related to chaz i would even bang your sister if u had one juts for the hell of

Easy man. Animals didn’t do anything. That’s like blaming Pitbulls for being nasty and mean when people train them to be that way. It isn’t their fault, they just do what they are told.


1000 anderson road…come fuckin get some then n quit hidin behind ur computer!!!


are you inviting him over for some sandwiches?


:rofl: got called out by a 16 year old :rofl:

there that should be a little easier:finger2:

I will be sure to tell my buddy from Mr.John to dump his load thier on Monday morning.

I’d erase that, too many wackos on the net.

Sweet. Can i get an italian sammich and order of dozen wings?
30 minutes or free correct


to be honest here. personally i think you are a bigger tool. at least schmeider doesn’t call Brian crying.

you got my vote for Drama Queen of the year.

huh? Im happy for your opinion on me but Ill think about it tonight when I am losing sleep… Im glad you and your life partner (pewter) compare phone calls about me.

you get my vote for bitch of the past 4 years… please diaf… please have secks with smchieder… please dont ever mention my name in a post ever again.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :tool:


dude. seriously i don;t know you or really do not care to. but you are a whining little bitch. i could careless about anything you say.

i am just you making posts about people so you think you are cool. then get on aim crying i know cause you did it to me. in all of seriousness i dont care about you or your go cart. i stay out of the drama