Where did that bad santa looking little bitch Schmeider go?

Did the grease from his face drip on the keyboard and cause a short? :dunno:


making sandwitches? :dunno:

:rofl: mommy took his key board,he was watching to much gay porn with BurnyD


you should see him, chaz and burnyd’s fat ass crowd around the computer

nah chaz only crouds around the computer to see what new efighting threads are going on. Because unfortunately that is the most exciting thing in his life.

oh sorry, then you and schmeider fucking look a gay porn fag,do you guys make it too>?:idb:

Dont talk about your little brother like that… that kid looks like cheeks jr.

I see no resemblance to me, at least not as much as you and don johnson fat ass


yet another thread Fuxtored by dan trying to sound tough

x2 & we shall see wedsday~!(ibethedontshow)

can we get there before 8?? what time should i get there??

sorry, wrong thread

…ummm… you bunch of cleft gut, tit swingers

nah I will show I will be drunk… the beating will not hurt as bad.

u coming drunk?

I’m coming with the sole purpose of getting drunk and then hitting on chad’s future wife

no… but I will ease the alchohol in while there so the beating wont hurt as bad…

if u can,bring a straw!

Liquid chips ftw!
