From another forum!

those crazy germans lol
…hes german right
Yes ma’am, he is indeed german.
Still laughing @the picture with the referee on all 4’s…
I knew european dressed a little more feminine but… this is ridiculous
the style in europe is all together waayyy diff from here
well, i like european styles, but then after having seen that… change of opinion…
lol …basically all our style comes from europe…we’re just behind
omfg…to think i actually liked him at one point
i dont know why i just watched that video… music was horrible :K , dancing was horrible , and well it just seemed a bit to queer for me. (just like all the pics…)
:S :S :S
these pics/video can get him the ":::
lol but also the way guys act in europe is a whole lot different from here as well…stuff we may find weird or sumthin a gay guy wud do…to them…is normal and just the way friends act with eachother
Yup… I remember my dad’s italian client kept on patting me in the shoulder and touching me … i thought to myself… wow… must be an italian thing… but now we can see that it’s definitely european thing haha
lol yea italians r like that…wen my sister went to italy she was saying guy friends will link arms when theyre walkin…and our cousin(whos a guy) always wanted to hold my sisters hand…to them its completely normal and no harm meant by it…but she had to explain to him that in canada we just dont do that