Scientists find a potentially habitable planet, conditions similar to Earth's

I found this to be pretty interesting

unfortunately, we won’t get to enjoy it, check it out anyways…your kids, kids might

it’s amazing how they can find out that shit from so far away

“We don’t know how to get to those places in a human lifetime,”

that is crazy

thats what i’m thinkin…how the hell can they do that? 120 trillion miles away?? wow

I know it’s unreal. It really makes you think

Um… Discovery channel…ever watch it?

we should ship all the dumb people to that planet.

Interesting. Wasn’t Red Dwarf an old BBC show?

na, i’m down with just sending them to mars and seeing what happens.

muthafuckin aliens

Hopefully it’s a friendly, inhabited planet…so we can exploit it and squander their resources too.

im gonna move there and sell mail order quik tunes

^^ Just plug hp tuners into the planet and quik tune the planet.